Friday, May 6, 2011

"Do nothing to mar it's grandeur for the ages have been at work on it and man cannot improve it. Keep it for your children, your children's children, and all who come after you." -Theodore Roosevelt-

I went to the Grand Canyon on Tuesday. It was one of most awe inspiring moments of my life. It is one of the seven wonders of the world and now I know why. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It was really great getting to see it with my family. I'm glad we went. I am very thankful to my mom for deciding to take us on our way back from Vegas. THANK YOU MOM!!

The canyon was sooo beautiful. The colors were soo amazing. 

It wasn't just the scenery that was beautiful. There were so many visually stunning plants. I didn't have time to capture them all because my camera died halfway through the trip. Bummer. I did get all these great pics so I was really grateful to get to just enjoy the view.

We saw so many elk up there too. And they were very patient with everyone taking their picture. They first one was there when we got there and had been there for a while apparently and just stood there and let everyone take her picture. She was so beautiful. And about 15 minutes later we came upon a herd or whatever of them. About five all together. They got scared away by the girls being loud and fighting. Which sucked but I got a really nice picture of a young buck that was just getting in his horns. 

We met a lot of really interesting people too. We met two guys from New York. They were awesome. Said they were musicians I think. I wasn't paying too much attention because I was taking pictures of the Elk. We also met some REALLY COOL guys from Brazil. They mocked my mom when she was whining for me to not go out onto the ledge. Haha. It was hilarious. And last but, not least, we met this huge tour group of french people. They would not stop fighting and their tour guide that had a very thick french accent was from New York. He told us that french people are really frustrating and that it wasn't worth it going to France. haha. He made me laugh so hard. 


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