Friday, May 13, 2011

Moving On Up

 I will probably be starting up my 365 again soon. I will be getting my battery back hopefully. I am super excited. I have been going through withdrawals.
I also have another wedding lined up. In June. It's an out of state wedding. I can't wait. I will have my new camera by then but probably not all the other stuff. But that's ok because I work well with the lenses I have now.

Ok, so I am getting ready to make a very large investment into my Photography future. I won't be buying photography equipment for a very long time. I am really excited for this and can't wait to get a move on on my career. I have been trying to sell my Nikon D40. But I 'm thinking that if my aunt doesn't buy it than I'm just going to keep it. Then I will have two cameras with different lenses on them and it will be quicker than a lens change.

Are you ready for the show? Lights, Camera ;), Action... here we go. (Excuse the Pun hehe)
Starting with the star of the show...
The Nikon D5100 | I am sooo excited to have this camera. I have done a lot of research and this is the best camera for me!

Now  lenses and things I am planning on getting.
All this stuff will not all be happening at once. I plan to get it slowly over the next year or so. 
  1. The Wide Angle & Macro Lens
    1. I want this lens adapter because I take really good macros already with the kit I have to I just want something small and inexpensive to enhance and add that little extra oomph to my pictures. 
  2. The Fisheye Lens
    •  I have always been intrigued by fish-eye pictures and I know that I can do great things with it.
  3. The Bokeh Kit
    • I have tried this on my own before and I just can't get the hang of it. So I admit I need a little help.
  4. The White Balance Lens Cap
    • This always have trouble with the color in my pictures. I went through a really bad shoot where I completely messed up. I want this a
  5. The Super-Secret Spy Lens
    •  This just looks really fun to me. I couldn't resist.
  6. The Camera Strap Buddy
    •  When I am walking with my camera on I have, more than once hit it against something. This is just a very practical idea. 

    These are all pretty self explanatory. It's just protection and cleaning supplies.
      1. LensPen Camera Cleaning Kit
        •  These have a carbon compound on the end that is really good for lens cleaning. And a brush to wipe away dust.
      2. Nikon Microfiber Cleaning Cloth 
        •  Just another cleaning cloth good for the screen and viewfinder.
      3. Zeikos Dust Blower
        •  To blow dust out of the camera body and and lenses.
      4. TrueVue Anti-glare Digital Camera Screen Protector
        •  A protector for my screen. DUH! haha
      5. 16 GB Flash Memory Card
        •  Memory card. I need a new one.
      6. Nikon EN-EL14 Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery
        •  Extra battery
      7. Opteka Flash Diffuser 
        •  Attaches to my external flash to diffuse light and lighten shadows.
      8. Lens Cap Keeper (Picture not shown)
        • I got this because I can't seen to stop losing my lens caps. :(

          1. Nikon 50mm f/1.8D AF Nikkor Lens
            • I have asked a lot of my photog inspirations and most of them recommend this lens for portraits. And I that what I want the majority of my career to entail.
          2. 52mm Filter Kit (UV-CPL-FLD) 
            • UV Protective Filter: Prevents loss of sharpness and contrast by filtering out UV rays and Haze. 
            • CPL Circular Polarizer Filter:  Gives better control of color saturation, make skies bluer, grass greener-even eliminate surface reflections from glass and water.
            • FLD Fluorescent Filter: Eliminates that annoying greenish "tinge" fluorescent lights create.

          The Monopod is a little easier 
          to carry around than a tripod. 
          Adds a little more stabilization 
          than handheld but a little less 
          setting up compared to a
           Accessories just cuz I wanna
            1. Camera Lens Cap Pocket
              • I ALWAYS leave my lens cap places. I hate it. So now I am getting things to try and break me from that habit.
            2. Animal Print (Purple) Camera Strap 
              •  This is just because. I love animal print. And I love purple. YAY!! I can't chose between this one and the purple crocodile. 
            Camera Bag
              1.  Kelly Moore Classic Bag | Purple 
                • The camera bag I have now is just not very convenient. It takes forever for me to get into it to do a lens change and it's just not very attractive. So I found theses. I fell in love. Nuf said!
                One more thing!!

                Wait for it....

                Wait for it.... 

                I'm getting one of these!
                1. Barnes & Noble NOOK COLOR
                  • I LOVE books. I am going to the library all the time. I can't wait to just have thousands of books at the palm of my hand. 
                2. Alligator Flip Case 
                  • It needs a case to protect it. And of course it has to be purple.
                3. Black Woodgrain Nook Skin 
                  • I want this to add a little pizzaz to my Kindle.


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